lefant robot vacuum

Lefant Robot Vacuum Review

I recently had the opportunity to try the Lefant M1 Robot Vacuum Mop that’s sold on Amazon, and having also used the Roomba and Narwal, I was keen on having a more compact cleaning robot that didn’t have a bulky docking station. For the affordable price I feel like it does a very good job. One thing to note is that the M1 model is best for hardwood floors and not carpet, which is perfect for me. I have a small apartment so the Lefant was able to easily navigate all throughout it without any trouble. The vacuum performance is top tier and the mop adequately cleans but isn’t strong enough for stubborn stains. Let’s dive deeper into the technical specs of the Lefant robot and before and after photos.

lefant robot vacuum

About the Lefant M1 Robot Vacuum Mop

The Lefant M1 offers:

  • Real-time Map + LDS Navigation: Lefant M1 robot vacuum cleaner with mop uses LIDAR navigation technology and can scan and save a map of the room. Equipped with accurate AI algorithm to plan whole house cleaning, and more precise positioning, you can view the real-time vacuuming robot route on the APP.
  • No-Go-Zone Settings & Spot Cleaning: Add NO-GO-ZONE function and virtual wall on the APP. You can set and save no-go areas for cleaning. 
  • Smart App & Voice Controls: can be controlled by App and Alexa & Google Home voice command. Use the Lefant App to monitor the cleaning path, schedule cleaning plan, adjust suction level, change cleaning mode, etc. Note: only supports 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
  • Four Cleaning Modes: Scheduled, Zoned, Spot, and Manual Remote Control. 
  • 2 in 1 vacuuming and mopping: Robot mop is equipped with a 160ml water tank and 520ml dustbin.
  • Long Running Time & Self Charging: Automatic robot vacuum can cover a maximum cleaning area of 200 square meters or 150 minutes of cleaning time when fully charged. The vacuum robot recharges itself when the battery is low.
  • Double-Side Brush Collects Dirt More Easily: double-sided brush design and a floating roller brush cover made of silicone for the suction opening
  • Low Noise & Small Body: The brushless motor is more durable and the sound is soft and not harsh. M1 is only 12.6 inches wide, 20% smaller than other LDS robot vacuum cleaners. The smaller size makes the robot easier to clean in tight rooms. It is perfect for small spaces between beds, sofas and corners.
  • Freemove 3.0 Technology: Lefant M1 can have omnidirectional detection of the surrounding environment, more easily avoiding obstacles and reducing failures caused by easy wear, deformation, dust accumulation, etc.

lefant robot vacuum

How Does Lefant M1 Work?

This device is equipped with both a mop and vacuum in one unlike my Roomba Self Emptying Robot Vacuum and separate Robot Mop. The vacuum and mop function work simultaneously so particles get sucked up then mopped over right after.

lefant vacuum robot

The Lefant vacuum uses 3500 pa suction which is very strong.

The mop does not have a rotating function and simply slides across the ground, so it’s not going to eliminate stubborn dried-on stains. It works adequately for a basic floor clean.

What’s Included?

  • 1 Upgraded Lefant M1 Robot Vacuum
  • 1 Charging Dock
  • 1 Power Adapter
  • 1 520ML Dustbin+160ml Water Tank
  • 2 HEPA Filiters

lefant robot vacuum

lefant robot vacuum

lefant robot vacuum

Kitchen Floors

lefant robot vacuum

Kitchen Floor Before Lefant M1

lefant robot vacuum

Kitchen Floor After Lefant M1

lefant robot vacuum

Dustbin After Cleaning

It picked up so much dust and dirt from every nook and cranny of the home.

Corners Cleaned

Mop After Use

I know that my floors should make this little rag totally black so it only cleaned somewhat.

Lefant Amazon Store


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